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STK4050V 200 watt amp electronic circuit

This 200 watt audio amplifier circuit diagram is based  on STK4050V high power audio amplifier IC and is designed do deliver up to 200 watts audio power on a single channel .
STK4050V 200 watt audio amplifier circuit is pin compatibility with other STK amplifiers series .
Because of current mirror circuit application the distortions are reduced to 0.08 % .
STK4050V supports addition of electronic circuits for thermal shutdown and load-short protection circuit as well as pop noise muting which occurs when the power supply switch is turned on and off.

The maximum output power of STK4050V audio amplifier is around 200 watts on 8 ohms load impedance with a 66 volts split power supply .
If you want to make this power amplifier you need to make a separate thermal protection and load short protection circuit because the IC don’t offer these kind of protection and you can destroy the chip and the speaker box .
Also if you connect the circuit in bridge mode configuration, using two ICs you can make a 400 watt high power amplifier, but you'll need a very high power transformer for power supply.

STK4050V 200 watt audio amplifier circuit diagram

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